Moon-Sun Aspects In Synastry

Moon Quincunx Sun Synastry

What kind of aspects are going to make for a successful relationship? Well, that's for you to decide. One thing is sure. The most important aspect in synastry is your Sun sign. It seems ironic, considering that this is your relationship compatibility chart and the Sun represents you, but whatever... 

Anyway, it would be fair to say that aspects to the Sun sign are the best way to predict how successful this relationship will be, overall. In other words, seeing a Moon-Mercury sextile in a Virgo-Pisces duo is likely to be far less significant than seeing a Moon-Mercury sextile in a Leo-Scorpio duo.

Read more: Sun quincunx Moon synastry

Moon Square Sun Synastry

In the aspects of astrology, Moon and Sun are a very vital combination which helps define the personality and nature of this man. So, If you are finding it hard to deal with a person like your partner, and have a lot of questions in mind, then it might be a good idea to delve deeper into the astrology. 

As per Sun-Moon aspects, it will not only help you handle your relationship better, but also make more sense of life situations in general. For instance, in this case, we are going to talk about the aspects between Moon and Sun, and which can be very detrimental for an enterprising person. This sort of relationship is also known as Moon-Sun Square Synastry.

Read more: Sun square Moon synastry

Moon Sextile Sun Synastry

The sextile Moon-Sun aspect is one of great loyalty, trust and a strong bond between partners. It is also a very harmonious relationship, with fewer arguments and partnership issues. Moon is the Southern Node of the Moon, which is our feminine inner self. Sun is the North Node of the Sun's Fire that gives us our masculine personality, so this aspect reveals a feminine man with a masculine woman's warmth. 

When the Moon is sextile the Sun, the love relationship between partners is harmonious and harmonious. We share the same tastes in food, entertainment, and values and are madly in love. It is intensely intimate, passionate, and exciting. We share the same tastes in food, entertainment, and values and are madly in love. It is intensely intimate, passionate, and exciting.

Read more: Sun sextile Moon synastry

Moon Inconjunct Sun Synastry

In Synastry terms, a Moon-Sun aspect is an exchange between the Moon and Sun in each other's chart that expresses or reflects each other through our own characters and traits. This aspect ties our personal lives or our lower chakras to the stars and the Universe. 

In Synastry, Sun-Moon aspects correlate to two people, the total of two charts connected when there is a similar trend or events being shared between them. The Moon is a symbol of the unconscious mind, emotionally charged, intuitive and interested in our inner cores and lunar connection. The Sun represents the ego, conscious mind, rational, interested in the outer reality and our planet. When there is an aspecting between Moon & Sun, people can feel each other deeply, and there's a deep inner drive for people to relate. 

When there is discord or an uncomfortable feeling between Moon & Sun, people can end up doing the exact things they're not ready to come out about. If you're having trouble finding a girl or relationship, the article has some awesome tips on how to attract a girl or have the same Gemini type girl that you're matched with in real life. The Astrology Love Relationship articles also have great more in-depth insights on understanding both Sun and Moon in-depth.

Read more: Sun inconjunct Moon synastry

Moon Trine Sun Synastry

If you know someone's Moon sign, and a Moon aspect can give insight into how you two as a couple will interact, which you obviously want to do. There are nine aspects in total - all of which are due to the moon’s gravitational forces.

In a moon-moon aspect, the two will share the same gender identity, tend to share similar ideals and experiences, though they will have different opinions, and are prone to show anger towards each other. In a moon-sun aspect, the couple will have different pronouns/identities, both tend to be extrovert and both are very physical in temperament. 

It's good to be upfront about your needs, but be careful not to overwhelm your partner. In a sun-moon aspect, the couple share the same gender identity, but tend to have different values, outlooks and experiences. In a sun-sun aspect, the genders are different but the couple share many similarities, tend to be conservative, and have a strong emotional bond. They fall for the same people, share hobbies and interests and enjoy spending time together. 

In a moon-Mercury aspect, there's quite a bit of verbal communication between the two, but as the moon is indecisive in nature and as a busy planet, Mercury can get annoyed with the constant stream of ideas. In a moon-Venus aspect, it's very emotional and romantic, Libras tend to like to share news and feelings, so the music the person likes is of great importance to the other person. 

In a sun-Mercury aspect, Jupiter's quick ways of thought and speech fits very well with Mercury's vibe and the pair is good for discussions, and learning from one another, there is benefit having Uranus nearby, as this can expand one's knowledge and cause breakthroughs in thinking.

Read more: Sun trine Moon synastry

Moon Opposite Sun Synastry

Opposites attract, or so it is said. In other words, we are all creatures of contrast - which is probably why opposites also tend to rush right into each other's open arms, and/or crash and burn spectacularly. 

It is natural for the contrasting energies to expand into each other’s space, driving whatever energy the meeting contains till it becomes a point of contact where two distinctly different forces intersect. But this can also be a very fiery thing that requires respect and precise delineation.

Read more: Sun opposite Moon synastry

Moon Conjunct Sun Synastry

A harmonious aspect between the Moon and Sun in synastry is a major relationship building block, able to improve compatibility markedly. This combination often speaks of an emotionally strong relationship, with mutual attraction. It's likely many shared experiences will have led to the ideal harmony between these lovely celestial bodies. 

And as they continually share the same ideals, they're able to enjoy one another's company, feeling understood and supported. The one flip side to all of this harmony is that they can be inhibited in their potential to experience new pleasures and in pursuing new activities together.

Read more: Sun conjunct Moon synastry


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